In advocating that youths are not left behind, for two years in a row, FUNGUO has partnered with the Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) and the Tanzania ICT Commission in hosting Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) a platform to mobilize and inspire young people to shape a better future through digital literacy, 21st century skills, and self-confidence to realize their potential in an inclusive digital economy. The TYDS is an excellent platform to engage with the Tanzanian youth and help them acquire skills that will allow them to easily adapt to the digital economy. For 2022, the theme reflected to “Creating Transformative Youth Digital Spaces: ICT for Youth Employment, Education, and Climate Change” and was graced by the Deputy Minister of Information, Communication and Information Technology, Hon. Eng Kundo Mathew.
Read TYDS Full Report:
TYDS report 2022 – 24 October_final (
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