Category: Agribusiness

Agrosoko Limited Agrosoko is a mobile and online enabled supply-chain and market linkage solution bridging the gap between fragmented and marginalized African farmers and agriculture commodity

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Plant Biodefenders Limited Plant Biodefenders produce VURUGA Biocide, an organic pesticide for management of crops. Unlike chemical-based pesticides which are harmful to other living organisms and expensive.

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Tanzania International Bee Tanzania International BEE uses an inclusive business model which involves modern agriculture with beekeeping and bee science which integrates organic agriculture, bee breeding,

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Ngwala Inventions Limited Ngwala inventions has developed automated solar powered bio-pesticide/bio-fertilizer dispensing machines for organic farmers. The digital machines allow the use of mobile money and electronic

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Aatif Aquaponics An innovative smart farming company taking advantage of the growing demand for vegetables and fruits based in Zanzibar. Aquaponic advantages include but not limited

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KCG Aquatec KCG Aquatec is active in the aquaculture in Tanzania, focusing on aquaculture specifically the production of tilapia in cages in Lake Victoria, hatching of

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Aquacom Tanzania Aquacom seeks to increase accessibility to fish to all Tanzanians through supporting small and medium sized fish farms with Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) solution.

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